Referral Network
Check websites for more information
Kingsway Prison and Family Outreach https://www.kingswayoutreach.org/
​Re-entry programs for released offenders and their families.
Rehoboth Jail and Prison Ministry https://jailandprisonministries.org/
Ministry with keeping the ex-inmate from backsliding.
Hope is Everything, Inc https://hopecville.com/
Provides hope to those who find themselves affected by the judicial and social service systems.​
Love Inc SAW https://loveincsaw.org/
Lovingly serve people in need in their communities.
New Leaf Ministries https://www.newleafministries.org/
Offering Firm Foundations Correspondance Courses​
Verona Community Center http://www.veronacommunitycenter.org/
Free internet cafe & home for LifeGroup fellowship (see Events Calendar)
New Life Recovery https://www.newliferecoverygcc.com/
Christ centered recovery support group​
Reprieve, Inc https://www.reprievewaynesboro.com/
Committed to feeding, providing personal supplies, and LOVE and HOPE to the least of these.​
Victim to Victor https://victimtovictorministries.org/
Creating awareness that abuse/violence prevention is possible.
Fountain Fund https://www.fountainfund.org/
Provide low-interest loans, financial coaching to formerly incarcerated people, and help build credit.
Offers an alternative to criminal prosecution
​Freedom House https://freedomhouseva.com/
Hero of Waynesboro https://www.herowaynesboro.org/
Supporting our community by providing emergency financial assistance to those who are at risk of potential eviction or utility cut-off.
We also offer information on public and non-profit organizations under the Resources Tab. This includes food, bank locations, public housing, health department information etc.
For more information email us at connect@nmrn.net
Links being added frequently. If you or your organization would like to be included email connect@NMRN.net
Revised 10/14/2024